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– derelict vehicles,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, dilapidated fences to be targetedThe NCN Board members, with the Prime Minister in centreDuring the appointment of the Boards of Directors of National Communications Network (NCN) and Guyana National Newspapers Ltd (GNNL) at the Arthur Chung Convention Centre (ACCC), on Tuesday, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo highlighted several shortcomings of NCN.He then targeted various areas for improvement.One deplorable situation he identified was the presence of 14 derelict vehicles within NCN compound,Cheap Jerseys Online, which have been there for “ancient history”. In addition,Andy Pettitte Jersey, the Prime Minister also pointed out that the agency’s fence had fallen apart.“I was there on a visit to NCN and it hurts me to pass through. When I walked around the compound, the fence had fallen apart and no one did anything about it,” Nagamootoo said.“(Clean up operations) are ongoing all over Guyana. This board also has to do a cleanup operation, starting from the fence,” Nagamootoo noted.Charging the new board with undertaking the task,Throwback Jerseys, the Prime Minister observed that the previous board did have money but “I believe there were obstacles in spending money to repair the fence.”“But that has to be a decision of the board and you have to take it on. Therefore, the way the building looks,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, (aesthetic wise) will become a major task. Initially there is money (so) it has to be utilized,Jerseys NFL China,” he said.Nagamootoo was also adamant that the vehicles in the compound that were abandoned had to be removed.“When you walk past the NCN the first thing that registers is wow, that is a prosperous company! Look how many vehicles are in the yard! It has to be making money, right? Wrong. Those 14 vehicles cannot be used; they are abandoned, but remain in the compound.“They have to be removed, even if they are recycled. But employ any means to get them out. It’s not a junkyard,” Nagamootoo,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, who also holds the portfolio of the Minister of Information,Cheap NFL Jerseys 2016, charged the Board.“We will help you. I had spoken to the Minister of Public Infrastructure to send a Bobcat to help clean the place.(Those) 14 derelict vehicles have been there as part of ancient history. I know management has been trying to get the vehicles removed, but for whatever reason they are there,” he said.He also revealed his plan to send his guards to do voluntary work on the premises in the interim, “while we (confront) the legal parameters to surmount the (bidding and contractual) process.”Nagamootoo also spoke of the Voice of Guyana (VoG), which he revealed is no longer national. It cannot reach areas like the Rupununi and the North West District.“We have areas like the Rupununi and the North West district that used to receive VoG.These residents have complained that they can no longer hear the VoG. Imagine living in Guyana and you cannot receive the Voice of Guyana. How awful it is.You can hear the Voice of Brazil, and the Voice of Venezuela but not Guyana,” Nagamootoo lamented.The Prime Minister revealed that he has been working alongside veteran radio broadcaster and distinguished linguist Dr. Rovin Deodat.“I’ve been working with Rovin Deodat. He has some fabulous changes that can be made to radio.And I will put these to the board. I’ve gone through them and he has excited me, after I read the prospect of taking radio to the northwest district, Region Eight and the Rupununi.”He also revealed that within Deodat’s proposal,Wholesale Jerseys, there was the suggestion to use the (radio station located at Bina Hill in the Rupununi) as a booster and “set up other transmitters that will take signals south of our borders.”He added that the administration needed to show the world that there was no communication barrier with Guyanese.