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“I always tell myself, and say to people; there is nothing I can’t do,” Nicole Cato remarked during a recent interview.And those who know Nicole would tell you that she is probably right.Nicole serving a customer in her shop.At age 32, here is a young lady that could rightfully claim the title of “Enterprising and Independent Woman of the year”.A trained cosmetologist for over 10 years, and one who dresses the part, Nicole is not at all averse to getting her hands dirty, whether it’s a project that brings her money, or just simply weeding her yard.And these days, her hands get dirty a lot, with taking care of the pigs,cheap nfl jerseys online, cleaning fish and all the other things she does during the course of a day.Although a meticulously clean person, getting her hands dirty is no problem, for there is always water to clean up afterwards.But let’s get back to the beginning- I mean her days as a beautician.Nicole was trained by one of the best cosmetologist in Region Ten, Nyere Swan, and then later began practicing her trade at his salon in Third Alley, Wismar.However, business was slow, and being as driven as she is, Nicole was soon looking at other ways to earn money.“It was not that I had to, because I have my husband who takes care of my needs- but I just like to know that I am earning some money too. I don’t like to sit around just doing nothing.”Making snacks and wholesaling to the community grocery soon became her next economic venture.“I love cooking; I’ve always loved to cook, and I think I can cook anything, so I did that for a while, but then as sales started to get slow, I decided to get into the poultry business, which I did for a while, before becoming pregnant with my second child.”Nicole in her pig penWith two young children to take care of, the poultry business soon had to be put on the back burner for a while.But as the baby grew, and her older son completed his NGSA, Nicole became restless, she had to do something.So it was that with the help of her husband Nicholas, she ventured into pig rearing. She started out with four pairs of pigs, which would soon reproduce piglets that she would quickly sell.Nicole is high in praise for her husband, without whose support she says, she couldn’t do all that she is doing.But Nicole was not content with just rearing pigs alone, she wanted to do something more and that familiar itch (cooking) was still there. Being the enterprising person that she is, she just couldn’t ignore it.“I spent some time in French Guiana briefly, and it was there that I decided that when I returned to Guyana I, would get into the food business in a big way”.Today that dream has become a reality, with the advent of her fish shop- the “Four N’s Fish Shop” at Danjou Hill Foot. Nicole was quick to point out that “Four N’s’ stand for her husband’s name- Nicholas, her name-Nicole, Nicholas Junior and baby Nekziea. The shop is well laid out, thanks to Nicholas, who did the entire interior work, such as building and installing the cupboards.There Nicole cooks to her heart’s content- whether its fish and chips, chicken and chips, or just some hot spicy channa.And what happened to the pig business, you might ask.Well she still does that too! (Enid Joaquin)