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Teachers within the public education system are often demoralised by education officials.  This troublingGTU PresidentMr. Mark Lytestate of affairs was revealed by President of the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU), Mr. Mark Lyte, during the Union’s recent Biennial Conference in Bartica.Lyte’s disclosure was based on feedback provided to the Union during face to face sessions the executive held with its members across Guyana.  The Union is tasked with representing teachers within the country’s public education system. There are currently 39 branches across the country.According to Lyte, “During the period under review (the past two years), teachers provided feedback to their union on the way they feel in this profession. In fact, the period under review saw over 99 per cent of the branches visited by executive members to assess first-hand the state of our teachers.”During interactions the teachers complained about a wide variety of issues affecting their morale, Lyte said. “There was a general consensus that teachers feel most demoralized by the way they are spoken to by education officials.”“It must be noted that some Education Officials resort to verbally abusing teachers in the presence of their colleagues and students,Jerseys NFL Wholesale,” said Lyte who pointed out that “the work load demanded of teachers continues to be a factor which also affects their morale.”Lyte is of the view that the volume of records which are required needs to be reviewed since teachers are convinced that many are irrelevant and are not necessarily looked at when submitted by the school.Further,Cheap NFL Jerseys, he disclosed that teachers see their meagre salary as a major demoraliser. “The salary received remains small for all teachers who find it difficult to make ends meet. In fact,Cheap China NFL Jerseys, the small salary has caused most males to shy away from the profession fearing that they would be unable to adequately provide for their family. Most males will choose either the gold bush or construction which they believe will provide more finance for them,” Lyte speculated.But according to the GTU President, “There seems to be some glimmer of hope with this new administration.” He qualified his statement by pointing out that both President David Granger and Minister of Education,Authentic Jerseys For Sale, Dr Rupert Roopnaraine,China Jersyes Cheap, have repeatedly stated that teachers should receive better salaries.“Echoing these gentlemen has given us enough confidence to believe that we will enjoy a sizeable piece of the pie from the education sector,” said Lyte as he appealed to the politicians to “give our teachers a sizeable increase in 2016.”The GTU and the Ministry of Education is currently engaged in a process of negotiations which will determine the remuneration package for teachers for the next five years.According to Lyte,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, healthy relationships are paramount to any successful partnership, more so that between the Ministry and the GTU.He disclosed that as a stakeholder in the delivery of education to the Guyanese populace, GTU is committed to ensuring that regular meetings are held and decisions taken are implemented. But according to Lyte, “It must be noted that one hand cannot clap. In spite of the knowledge that these meetings are of great importance, GTU cannot say that it is satisfied with the rate at which meetings are called by the Ministry of Education.”He added that the GTU has noticed over the last biennium that the Ministry conveniently calls meeting or responds to GTU’s request for meetings. This cannot be the ideal scenario for educational advancement.”He said that the GTU will continue to safeguard the interest of teachers and support the interest of members of the teaching fraternity.But according to Lyte, there must be continued collaboration with all stakeholders in the education sector towards the smooth implementation of policies.“We must consult more often and dialogue more diligently and sincerely. There must be a partnership between GTU and the Ministry to ensure that policies are effectively implemented at all levels in education,Wholesale NFL Jerseys,” added the GTU President.

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