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Wholesale Authentic Jerseys A 38-year-old taxi driver

A 38-year-old taxi driver,NFL Jerseys Cheap China, Carlton Macy, will now contemplate his actions at the Camp Street prison after he pleaded guilty yesterday to assaulting his wife. He was jailed for seven days.Presiding over the matter was Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry who read the charge to the defendant at the Georgetown Magistrates’ court, the particulars of which stated that on July 3,Marlon Humphrey Jersey, at 94 La Penitence, the defendant assaulted Denny Mahadeo,NFL Jerseys China Online, causing her actual bodily harm.Court documents revealed that on the said date, the defendant and his wife who reside at 94 La Penitence,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, had an argument over their two children about 19:45 hours.The defendant, who became annoyed due to the quarrel,Cheap Jerseys From China, dealt the complainant one punch to the face which caused her to fall into the window that broke. The window pane which broke to several pieces caused the victim to receive injuries over the eye. A report was then made at the Ruimveldt Police Station and the defendant was arrested and charged for the said offence.The defendant who has no prior conviction known to the prosecution apologized to his wife and the court for his actions and asked the Chief Magistrate for him and his wife to be placed on a bond to keep the peace.In spite of his plea for much leniency,http://www.airmaxfantasy.us.com/574-New-Balance/, taking into consideration the aggravating and mitigating factors, the man was subsequently sentenced to seven days imprisonment.